Distancify - Didriksons.com

An evaluation of the e-commerce website Didriksons.com with the use of UX methods.

The main focus in this project was to execute a usability test in order to locate usability problems for the company Distancify

Overview of the project

The company Distancify works as consultants for different companies within e-commerce. They offer tailored e-commerce solutions for their customers. In this project we were asked to do a usability test in order to locate problems within the webdesign at Didriksons.com. Didriksons sell outdoor clothing of all sorts – from jackets to hiking pants. After thoroughly locating the problems the project included bringing forth solutions to these findings. To be able to illustrate and visualize the solutions in a simple way a prototype was then created.

Main problem and assignment

The company expressed difficulties with getting customers to buy their products. Of all customers that have added products to the cart, approximately a third go further to checkout and half of those make a final purchase.

This project focused on trying to find usability problems concerning the steps to making a purchase.

My role in the project

In this project I acted as a co-project leader and took initiative to drive the project to its goal. I also made sure that our group didn’t miss anything important and contributed with challenging our decisions and weigh out pros and cons. I was also the designated

Tools/programmes used in this project
  • Figma

UX Inspection

A perspective-based inspection was carried out in order to establish different types of typical customers for the website Didriksons.com.

The perspective I worked on was supposed to capture customers that enjoy online shopping and does it frequently. This perspective also included to be extra alert in case of dyslexia, meaning all the information and etc. had to be planned out.

Findings from the perspective-based inspection

The list of usability problems were ranked based on severity to get a grasp around what problem that should be focused first, and that is a big problem for the customers experience in their website.

List of usability problems found in the inspection

List of good aspects from the website found in the inspection

UX goals & requirements

The list of usability problems found in the inspection made it easier to establish certain usability & UX goals for the project and requirements to fulfill those goals in the usability test.

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Usability test

After we had established the goals and measurable requirements, I then created a planning document for the test. This planning document was useful to see the big picture of the project.

The participants for the usability test were carefully selected to be within the target group mentioned from the company. This included women from age 25-65.


Final list of all usability problems from the inspection & usability test
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Proposals for improvement based on usability problems

The usability problems found by inspection and usability test gave a good understanding on how to fix it. We then proceeded to make some proposals on solutions for the some of the usability problems that were not software issues.

Change of icon & save products

A change of the comparison function is essential for users to know what you can do on the website. An added heart icon & function of saving products to help users find liked products in a quicker way.

Option to change size, color & quantity

Being able to change preferences of the product without having to go back multiple steps.

Back button & steps within buy process

Back button helps the user to easily navigate to previous steps without having to return back to home page. The steps within buy process makes it easier to see the process of buying.

User can have two different addresses for billing & shipping

This can give users opportunity to send their purchase to somewhere else rather than being tied.


This project was one of my toughest one so far, not because of the work itself but the conflicts within the group. We all had different views and ways to work, this ended up with many conflicts – but this have taught me a lesson that I should speak up and handle the conflict instead of being afraid. This made it easier to progress within the project and drove us to the finish line.

What I have learned
  • Do not be afraid of speaking up
  • Try to solve conflicts as early as possible
  • Do not get stuck on small details
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